I have been loving the Live notifications from Podverse that let you know when a podcast you follow is doing a live stream. The only show that supports it currently that I listen to is the Podcasting 2.0 Show but I think more content creators will support it in the future. I think it is a bit burdensome to wrap your head around it, but I think I have figured out the basic steps.
I have a tinker branch of my site where I kind of test different things out.
So I’ve added these pieces below into the episode.rss.xml
of Castanet
<podcast:liveItem> status={{ .Site.Params.show_live_status }} start="{{ .Site.Params.show_live_start }}" end="{{ .Site.Params.show_live_end }}"
<title>Linux Lemming Live Stream</title>
<enclosure url="https://cautiouslycurious.com/listen/linux_lemming/radio.mp3" type= "audio/mpeg" length="16000" />
<podcast:contentLink href="https://cautiouslycurious.com/listen/linux_lemming/radio.mp3">Listen Live!</podcast:contentLink>
I don’t have a GUID
in there which might be an issue. . . not entirely sure. I also had to kind of guess on the length
for the enclosure because Azuracast is streaming at 128kbps so I used a converter to get it into bytes.
In the config.toml
of the site I also added these params that could be called by the rss generator:
show_live_status = "\"ended\"" #pending/live/ended
show_live_start = "2022-11-22T20:30:00-06:00" #need to convert, https://dencode.com/en/date/iso8601
show_live_end = "2022-11-22T22:00:00-06:00" #need to convert, https://dencode.com/en/date/iso8601
I had to use a date converter to get a ISO8601 Date that seemed to match the required format.
These all seemed to checkout so I added them into the main branch of the project without doing a PR. I didn’t want to re-learn how to cherry pick a commit and it was just easier to copy and paste things over after I knew it wouldn’t break it.
So in theory, I should be good to go! Once I get all the streaming stuff connected, I fire off a python script to notify podping and then a notification should go out to apps. Maybe I’ll try getting LIT this week!